Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm thinking our politicians are just trying to pacify us by halting the oil reserve filling, thereby saving us a whopping 2 cents/gallon (according to NPR). I'd rather continue paying the measly quarter per fill-up for the reassurance that I'll have oil in the event of a national crisis.

However, I would have liked to see our congressmen and women take a harsher stance with the oil execs who pay themselves hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses. Imposing windfall profit taxes or eliminating the huge bonuses during times like these (not all bonuses- I'm not anti-capitalism- but there is a point of excess.)

I personally wonder if we should rely on, say, 3 different ways to power cars so we don't run into extreme supply and demand issues. Currently we don't even have a majority of cars powered by ethanol, and food costs are already affected.

Any other ideas?

1 comment:

Lee Owens said...

Personally, I think they should suspend filling the oil simply because it makes more sense to fill it whne oil is cheaper. The reserve is like 97% full which proviudes a reasonable cushion for major supply disruptions.