Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Living in the lap of luxury

This baby's got it made, I tell you. She's got Auntie Lora wrapped around her fingers to the point where she headed to the pool with more accessories (apparently necessary for safety purposes) than I've ever had in my life! :-) She even turns Uncle Lee into an old sap. I just think back to how hard I was working a week ago today to finish end of the year paperwork, and I thank God for family. Holly's an awesome mom. Lee's fulfilling his uncle duties in nice form. Even baby Sammi's indulging us with her easygoing spirit.

I'd say her first swim was an overall success. She didn't drown, contrary to Grandpa Ross' fears. We never let go of her (of course). She frowned in the beginning out of confusion and at the end out of hunger, and that was it! Of course, we owe the success of the excursion to Lee inflating her baby cabana. :-)

Uncle Lee nervously holds Samantha for the 1st time
STYLISH UVA/UVB protection
Sweet Uncle Lee blew this up for 30 minutes
What are you doing to me?!?!?
Now THIS I could get used to...

Uncle Lee says some of my facial expressions resemble old men

Thank heavens for the impromptu pedicure last week
Excess or safety? Either way, this'll prevent wrinkles.
He really is good with me, I'm just hungry.

So funny :-)


Why do we Always have to Be Brave said...

She is so cute. I finally started writing on mine again.


Tyler said...

Oh my gosh, Lora... baby cabana? That is beyond cute! I love all these pictures! I miss my girls and your blog gave me a boost! I'm glad Holly, you, and Lee had a nice time!

Unknown said...

Pat and I were glad to be able to see Samantha! She's a sweetheart! Personally, I think she favors Tyler in the looks department. Thanks also for updating us on the latest in de riguer baby pool gear. Poor Baby Lee only had water wings to keep him from a watery,chlorinated grave!

Mother Owens